Presented by Hyde-Park Entertainment’s CEO, Ashok Amritraj, Chance of a Lifetime follows 12 young filmmakers as they compete to make a 10-minute short film showcasing the UN’s priority global causes. In this competitive reality show, filmmakers who were hand-picked from the UAE, India and Singapore were divided into teams, comprising three contestants, one from each region. Each team must work together, overcoming cultural differences, nail-biting time constraints and filmmaking obstacles to create a thought- provoking film.
The winning team will be flown to New York City, where their film will be shown at the UN headquarters. Following this, they will be flown to the French Riviera where they will receive a special recognition from Hollywood’s Variety Magazine during the Festival de Cannes. This Hyde Park-Image Nation collaboration was produced with support from The UN, the UCLA Burkley Centre for International Relations and Variety Magazine.