Speaking to Cinema Akil’s Butheina Kazim, Majid told an audience of social media influencers, bloggers and film buffs: “What we want is to really to expand what we’re doing and have people watch what we are doing in the UAE – whether that be in cinemas or on TV/Netflix. Netflix has allowed us to expand our viewership and we can’t wait to see what other content from the region pops up.”
Zinzana follows the story of Talal,a man trapped in a prison cell (“Zinzana”) in a remote police station, who is tortured by visions of his beloved ex-wife and son as he waits to hear his fate. When officer Daban (Ali Suliman) from a neighboring town stops by, Talal watches as the friendly visit suddenly turns into a bloodbath. Being behind bars is now the least of Talal’s problems, as he is forced to play a madman’s game to save his family’s lives.
Audiences can catch Zinzana on Netflix worldwide or download on iTunes.