











Image Nation Abu Dhabi, in partnership with the Embassy of the United States and Film Independent, are offering AFS Storytelling – an in-depth program for scriptwriters. Over the course of five months, world-class experts from American industry leader Film Independent will teach you all about the different aspects of scriptwriting, allowing you to hone your writing craft through in-depth sessions on the screenwriting craft and practice.

The program will:

  • Teach you the pillars of cinematic storytelling.
  • Explain the different elements and concepts of screenwriting: story structure, character development, plot points and rewriting.
  • Provide you with hands-on exercises to hone your skills.
  • Guide you through understanding the practice and process of giving, receiving and incorporating notes.
  • Provide a thorough understanding of how the page translates to the screen.
  • Help you to prepare yourself to present your projects to international competitions and festivals.

The course will be split into three parts – which you must commit to:

Section I: Finding Your Story and Story Structure – October 10 – 13, 2019

  • Thursday, October 10, from 4pm to 9pm
  • Friday, October 11, from 2pm to 7pm
  • Saturday, October 12, from 11am to 4pm
  • Sunday, October 13, from 4pm to 9pm

Section II: Character Development – December 12 – 15, 2019

  • Thursday, December 12, from 4pm to 9pm
  • Friday, December 13, from 2pm to 7pm
  • Saturday, December 14, from 11am to 4pm
  • Sunday, December 15, from 4pm – 9pm

Section III: Making Your Movie – February 20 – 23, 2020

  • Thursday, February 20, from 4pm to 9pm
  • Friday, February 21, from 2pm to 7pm
  • Saturday, February 22, from 11am to 4pm
  • Sunday, February 23, from 4pm to 9pm

Each section will be taught by a different leading U.S. industry professional who will give you the tools to express your own unique, authentic voice and craft compelling content that can reach a local and global audience in the digital space. Training will take place at Image Nation offices, Abu Dhabi.

Training will take place at Image Nation offices, Abu Dhabi.

PLEASE NOTE: This is an interactive practical program designed to workshop and develop material through the three sections. Participants must submit a treatment for a short film for the first section, and then develop a first draft of a screenplay for a short film to be admitted to the second section. YOU MUST COMMIT TO THE FULL PROGRAM.

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